Jewellery Care

1. *Handle with Care:* Treat your Brushellaa jewelry with love and gentleness. Avoid dropping or banging pieces against hard surfaces to prevent scratches or damage.

2. *Avoid Chemicals:* Keep your jewellery away from harsh chemicals, perfumes, and hairsprays. These substances can tarnish metals and affect the brilliance of gemstones.

3. *Store Thoughtfully:* When not adorning yourself with our pieces, store them in a cool, dry place. Consider using individual pouches or our beautiful box to prevent scratching and tangling.

4. *Clean with Caution:* Use a soft, lint-free cloth to gently polish your jewellery and restore its shine. Avoid abrasive materials that can scratch the surface.

5. *Remove Before Activities:* Take off your jewelry before engaging in activities like swimming, exercising, or household chores. This helps prevent damage from chemicals, sweat, or impact.

6.. *Mind Your Metals:* Different metals require different care. Research and follow specific care instructions based on the metal used in your Brushellaa piece.

7. *Pearls and Stones :* Treat pearls and gemstones delicately. Clean them with a soft, damp cloth and avoid exposing them to excessive heat or direct sunlight.

8. *Avoid Sleepwear:* Remove your jewellery before going to bed to prevent unnecessary stress and potential damage.

By following these care pointers, you'll not only preserve the beauty of your Brushellaa jewellery but also ensure that each piece continues to shine as brilliantly as the day you acquired it.